Leadership Institute Fund For Tomorrow's Leaders

The Leadership Institute Fund for Tomorrow’s (LIFT) Leaders was established in 2012. The current focus of this fund is to raise, manage, and provide funds to offset the cost of Sigma Lambda Beta's Leadership Institute (LI). The ultimate vision is for it to be large enough to fully endow the biennial LI event.
LIFT Grants Provided: $38,000
These Brothers “Lifted Up” the LIFT Fund by meeting their stated commitment, each giving $1,000 + to LIFT during the campaign. Please help us thank them!
Thomas Arce
David Ayento
Brian Castro
Sam Centellas
Chris Cooley
Sebastian Correa
John Davila
Manuel DelReal
Eddie Diaz
Hermen Diaz
Juan Eligio Jr.
James L. Hayes
David Im
Juan Izaguirre
Edgardo Lugo
Edwin Martinez
Kyle McCree
Josh Menchaca
Ammar Mufleh
Daniel Navarro
Alberto Ortega
Mary Peterson
Karlos Ramirez
Ben Robles
Antonio Rogers
George Saldana
Esau Schwarz
EJ Smith
Jason Smolka
Armani Tavarez
Alumni Networks: Aloha, Houston, Western Michigan
Jared Terronez
Manuel Trejo
Jose A Valenzuela
Michael Walker
Timothy Wightman
Ricardo Zamudio
Ricardo Zamudio II