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2020 Opportunity for Wisdom: Christian Carbajal

The Sigma Lambda Beta Education Foundation is proud to announce Brother Christian Carbajal from the Montclair State University Colony as a recipient of the 2020 Opportunity for Wisdom scholarship. Brother Christian will be able to apply this $1000 scholarship towards his college expenses. Please read his letter and view his message below.

To the Brothers of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated,

First and foremost, I would like to thank all those who have made this achievement possible and how honored I am to be a recipient of the Opportunity for Wisdom scholarship.

The Education Foundation has upheld our principle of scholarship with an opportunity given each year. They have also shown brotherhood with the support and encouragement to pursue our goals and dreams. I express my gratitude with each step I take into becoming a better version of myself.

As a Founding Brother of Montclair State University, I have had the contingency to meet multiple brothers from regions, but specifically in the Notorious Northeast Region. As a fraternity constituted from coast to coast, I have been enlightened by these brothers who share the same vision as many, to nurture and further a dynamic, value-based environment to better serve the needs and wants of all people.

This organization has provided me the mindfulness of various cultures, the opportunity to give back to communities, as well as set an inclusive foundation for those to come stand alongside furthering our philanthropy and expanding our wisdom across the coast. Given so, my academic success comes first. With that, I would like to thank all those that have shown me the light to pave the way. My zenith will be reached, and this scholarship has only emphasized the beginning of a greater future.

Once again, I am honored to receive the Opportunity for Wisdom scholarship and appreciate the recognition granted. Thank you to the Brothers of Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Incorporated.

Fraternally, Bro. Christian “Pachacuti” Carbajal Vice President of Montclair State University Colony Spring ‘19 | # 2 | SHIP A.P.E.X.

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