The Foundation is proud to recognize and support the Psi Alpha Chapter at Santa Clara University. Despite the challenges and differences this year’s circumstances presented, they found a way to put on their annual ‘Las Posadas’ event. This virtual event educated attendees about a traditional Mexican Christmas celebration, and in virtual breakout rooms, allowed them to share and discuss their own holiday traditions. Please see below a written summary and event document from the Psi Alpha Chapter. Congratulations to them on a great event!

Las Posadas 2020 Document
On December 4, 2020, at 6:00 p.m, Sigma Lambda Beta International Fraternity Inc – Psi Alpha Chapter at Santa Clara University (SCU) hosted their 21st annual ‘Las Posadas’ event; celebrating the travels that Mary and Joseph endured to find safety for the birth of baby Jesus. The event was held online through Zoom making it our first posadas online. Once the majority of the guests joined the call, Brother Eduardo Villegas warmly introduced the fraternity along with our guest speaker, Professor Pedro Hernandez Ramos. The professor spoke to us about the cultural and historical significance of the event and how it plays a huge role in Mexican culture. After his presentation we split up into breakout rooms where we had people discuss their favorite memories from Posadas if they have experienced one before. We also had people discuss other cultural traditions they have during this time. We then returned to the main session and we sung the Posadas songs as a group. At the end of the event we had a gift raffle where three people who attended the meeting won electronic gift cards. The Brothers of the Psi Alpha Chapter would like to give thanks to all those who participated in the event. Another thanks goes to the Sigma Lambda Beta Education Foundation for providing the necessary resources to make this event happen.