The SLBEF is proud to support the Delta Delta Chapter's Bachateame event! Through this event, the Chapter shares a piece of Latinx culture, bachata dance, with the community. For more details, see the photos and write-up the chapter shared below. Congrats to the Delta Delta Chapter on a great event!

On April 18th, the brothers of the Delta Delta chapter at the university of Wisconsin-Madison held one of their signature events, Bachateame. At this event, brothers invite the campus community and members of the Madison area to come learn how to dance bachata and refine their skills to show off their moves. This was a collaboration with a local Latinx own dance group named The Capitol Social, providing our instructor, photographer, and dj. The brothers of the Delta Delta chapter would like to thank the SLB Education Foundation for making this possible and appreciate their efforts to support active undergraduate brothers. LB 86!!